Dog Training

Taking the Lead Pet Care

Dog Training Services in Lebanon Township

What makes our company stand out from other professional pet sitting companies? We have our own Certified Dog Trainer! Whether you have a new puppy, older puppy or a dog that has developed a behavior that you would prefer to modify, our dog trainer will work with you to provide a personalized training plan. The trainer will also work with any pet sitter that may do visits with your dog to ensure consistent training routines are followed.

Taking the Lead Pet Care

Training Sessions Offered

From a very young age, dogs need direction and guidance to become the dog you want them to be. Whether you want your dog to be able to walk on the streets in public places, hike with you on trails at various parks or just know how to behave when a guest comes over, our dog trainer knows that each dog’s success in training is different. For this reason, we do not do group classes. Each training session is one-on-one and is designed around what the dog owner wants to achieve.

Puppy Kindergarten

Depending on the breed, puppyhood can last well beyond the one-year mark. Like children, puppy development is marked by significant stages that are important to understand. Puppy Kindergarten will educate you about the stages, what to expect, how to respond and most importantly, how to anticipate, nurture and train your puppy to develop into the family companion you want him to be.
Puppy Kindergarten consists of one or two, 45-minute sessions in your home that cover every question a new puppy owner may have. Topics include housebreaking, leadership exercises, understanding of basic dog behavior, how to crate train, mouthing, communicating effectively, grooming and nutrition, and avoiding problem behaviors. These sessions are “family friendly” and children who live in the household are encouraged to participate.

Basic Obedience – Beginners

Our Beginner Basic Obedience sessions are designed for puppies ages 3 months and older and are comfortable in their new home. Depending on how old your puppy is when you bring them home will depend on when it is appropriate to start basic obedience training.

These sessions are designed to teach you how to give your dog a beginning foundation to become a great companion and family member.

Areas of focus are:

  • Leadership & Relationship Exercises
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Off
  • Come


Basic Obedience – Advanced

This class is for those who have completed the Basic Obedience Beginners class, or have an older puppy or dog that requires some behavior modification. In this level, we will refine the basics and work on a detailed training plan for any behavior or training obstacles that may be taking place in the home or in public places.

Areas of focus are:

  • Sit/Stay
  • Come
  • Loose Leash Walking
  • Leave It & Drop It
  • Problem Solving


Problem Solving Consultations

Problem Solving Consultations are offered via phone or Zoom. These sessions are ideal for puppy or dog owners who know the basics, but need some new suggestions and training ideas to improve the at home training success or modify a problem behavior. A detailed plan will be discussed and emailed to you within 24 hours of your consultation. Consultations are charged per half hour and discounts are offered for additional calls if needed.

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Meet the Dog Trainer

Janine Ascenzo, co-owner of Taking the Lead Pet Care Dog Trainer

Janine Ascenzo

Co-owner and Certified Dog Trainer

Janine Ascenzo, Owner of Taking the Lead Pet Care, LLC, is a graduate of the Animal Behavior College and a certified dog trainer in Basic Obedience. With over 21 years of experience in puppy raising, general dog care, training, pet sitting and volunteer positions, Janine can give you a positive and successful experience when training your puppy or dog. Janine is a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers which requires her to follow strict ethical standards in her handling of dogs and in her business communications with you. The APDT also provides her with the opportunity for continuing education in the field of canine behavior.

Janine is “Fear Free” Certified and utilizes a method of training called Positive Reinforcement Training. The basis of this method is that you focus on rewarding all good behavior instead of focusing on punishing bad behavior. When you reward good behaviors, those behaviors increase. When people punish their dogs or use harsh methods of training, relationships deteriorate. By using Positive Reinforcement Training you will find that both you and your dog are less stressed during training and more relaxed and successful.

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